colour my life.

Love me like i love you ♥
Swiss Winds.
love happyDAYS.


Can i travel back in time?

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008

Where's my love?

<3 Amalina
<3 Amethyst
<3 Charman
<3 Dama
<3 Darrin CTWINDS
<3 Evangeline
<3 Hosin
<3 HoSung
<3 HuiQi
<3 Jewel
<3 June
<3 Kaiitiing
<3 Kenneth
<3 LiPing
<3 LiQi
<3 LiuQing
<3 LiXian
<3 Lynette
<3 Madelyn
<3 Madeline
<3 Melvin CTWINDS
<3 MinJiang
<3 MingZhou
<3 Natassia
<3 Nicholas
<3 Piriya
<3 Rebecca
<3 RuiXiong
<3 Ruohan YTWO BM
<3 SaiFul
<3 Sandra ZWINDS BM
<3 Sheena
<3 Sherman
<3 Theodoros
<3 Tiangy
<3 Tingyong
<3 WanQing
<3 XinXin
<3 Xueer
<3 Yvonne ZWINDS DM
<3 ZhiMing

thank you my love.

Designed by: shui min
Base codes: flore scent
Images: 01 02 03

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
9:37 PM

finally updating..will be a long one...
woke up at 6 am to continue to do the present for onefour5.. so tiring.. but still, not done yet. Den abt 830.. started packing my stuff for today's chalet.. den my breakfast is here... and started eating.. not very hungry so i shared with my mum.. den prepare myself to meet up with ws and gang at imm.. den reach there saw peilin and xueer.. and we started walking around.. den walk to giant to find weesuan... and we went to daiso.. l8r.. martin came.. i very thirsty.. so i went down to buy drinks with xueer and peilin.. den went back to daiso and cant find them.. all went up to carpark place.. while walking.. saw dawn walking up.. but didnt call her.. so we continue walking.. den we were playing poker cards up there.. dawn ws and mart went down to giant and buy tidbits.. left me and peilin and xueer.. and we started playing the speed game.. haiz.. den play till very sian.. and ws they all are still not back! den i called her.. and she is coming back.. followed along with shanice..ok..den ws very hungry.. wanna go eat.. actually they wanna go long john.. but den change their mind.. go mos.. den joan came angrily..cos they ate mos which joan always call ws to eat but she dun wan... haha.. den i ate the fries... den l8r kelvin called.. cos he is here.. to pick us up!! the lorry!!! so windy behind... and i took pics.. all hair look so funny..
is singing song and sleeping on the way.. and finally here..
came here and called ele.. and she said she haven check in.. cos got some prob... den we walk around.. they walk so fast lah.. and the hot sun is killing me!!! and we were walking far and walking back to chalet.. and i was screaming!! haha.. ok.. den go to chalet and put our things and play card again.. den one funny thing.. mart actually wanted to change his pant.. so he asked dawn to locked the door.. ok.. and it was really locked.. cos dawn checked it... and i dunno if there is anyone inside.. so i thot no one there so wanna off the lights.. den dunno how.. i can get in!!! and mart was shocked!! and i dunno wat happen.. and he told me he actually wanted to chang his pant.. haha.. den some of them came up and they knew and started laughing.. dawn also laugh.. i also lah.. den mart quickly ran down to the toilet to change.. haha.. den we sat at the bed and mart kept his things.. den he suddenly told us that he didnt bring his.. erm.. only 2e5 noes.. haha... funny lah.. okok.. den see how he settle.. den they all went to beach and i stay with some ppl cos joan not feeling well... den we play poker card.. and eat chips.. den shimin they all came.. and the food is here.. den a while later.. about 6.. they started the fire.. they sae they knew how to start the fire.. and in the end.. took 1 and a half hours..... den we helped.. and i burnt my finger!!! mart also!!! den i rush to take ice!! and dawn give us a cup of ice cold water for me and mart.. thanks dawn!! and thanks to jiakai cos he helped us do the cup of ice water..den we walked around..
so inconvenient lah!! den we luk retards.. and dawn also.. help us take the cup everywhere.. haha.. den ele told us to put toothpaste.. which i totally forgot abt it!!! haha.. den went back to see how the fire is going.. and finally.. it started.. we care for the fire.. but we forgot about the food!!! haha.. den the girls started to dofrost the food by using warm water.. ok.. den it went quite smoothly.. den took pics too.. den i rmb that the ppl hu help bbqing didnt eat.. so me and dawn started doing the stingrays and i fed them.. and yes of course they will eat.. cos is i feed one mah!! haha.. is actually they hungry.. okok.. den started to watch show a bit.. and help to pack the place.. den peilin xueer and joan is going.. so we took a class photo.. although is not everyone.. okok.. and we started bbq the marsh mallow..yeah.. continue feeding ppl.. den l8r.. we play with the fire for a while and we "kill" the fire!!!! ah.. haha.. den all the ash is on my shirt!! haha.. ok.. den we pack the place and went to the poolside.. we playing beside the pool and i went doen to the kids pool and the shallow part is until my kneecap.. ok.. den dunno why.. who go and push kel down to the pool.. so funny.. haha... den we go back to chalet.. me dawn and mart were sitting on the top of the stairs.. but dunno why started to have a "fight" with mart.. cos of some "hair"prob.. and we luk pulling each other hands and making a mess of each other hair.. and dawn didnt help me!!!haha!! ok fine.. den joan suddenly called.. and i one hand grab on him and one hand holding the fone and toking to her... den we luk rest for a while.. and the fight started again.. we are fighting at the top of the stairs so lots of ppl went past.. but none helped me!!! arg.. fine.. den i too tired so i stop the fight..ok.. den we watched movie.. walau.. all ghost movie.. but only scary movie3 not that scary lah.. den i sometimes shout and scream den the others also followed.. while screaming, i was grabbing onto dawn.. so funny.. ok.. den dawn and me took pics.. and mart and dawn and me took another.. ok.. den me and mart snatched june's cap frm dawn... haha...den finish the show.. and we go out walk walk.. wanna go cheers de.. but is closed!!! fine.. and we went to mac.. everyone is eating ice cream except for mart.. kel.. and some ppl.. i forgot.. kel dun wanna eat.. and mart ate a meal!! wow.. okok.. den talk and eat.. den dawn me and mart is luk playing with the remaining..den look luk ice milo.. hu wanna drink?? haha..den walk back..and we took showers.. cos is abit scary.. so i called ddawn to go with me.. den when i went in for not even a minute.. dawn say got cocroach!!! i was so scared of it ok!!! den no choice.. went tuhh the swimming pool toilet and shower.. ok.. not that scary..den went back.. and mart told me someone.. i think is jeremy kill the cocroach.. ok.. gd.. den after all took showers.. watch movie again... some of them continue playing poker and we heat up some of the food and go to the pool side to eat.. den got a grp of ppl threw one person down.. but the other guy also got pulled down.. haha.. too bad... den we tok tok for a while... and we wanna go see sunrise.. which only 1% chance u can see.. ok.. but i still go with them.. den we sit on the rock.. and lied down.. den me and dawn sae sure cant see frm here.. so we walked to other side... mart also followed.. den we walked the other way.. which is outside.. den thot can see... but is covered by building.. haiz.. den we dun wan.. den go back to chalet.. took a packet of chips for me and poker card to the poolside.. dawn and mart is sitting on the bench and i am sitting on the floor eating the chip and playing poker card..den they came back.. ok course.. cant see the sunrise.. den we went back to chalet.. me mart and dawn was sitting on the stairs... trying to sleep.. den there is space for us to sleep at the mattress.. and we went there.. but suddenly we sleep so straight den i not use to it.. so i go back to stairs.. den l8r they call us up to sleep on bed.. and we rushed up.. haha.. den ty mart dawn and me were sleeping.. den ty went down.. ok.. den some of them came in.. and dawn and mart didnt even noe.. too sound asleep.. ok.. den i finally slept.. den suddenly had a feeling some one looked at me.. and i open my eyes.. den i saw mart!! damn scary lah!!! ok.. it's already 9am.. for ur information.. den slowly dawn woke up and i dunno hu came up went i was lying on the bed.. den we three went to brush our teeth.. when walking down the stairs.. i thot i was at a gambling den!! everyone is playing poker cards.. and one grp play with money!! haha.. scary.. den brush our teeth le den we ate our breakfast at the stairs... and see them play.. den i started playing also.. den i wanted to sleep again..but no place..den i lied on the floor.. watching movie again.. same old ones... den everyone went to rent bicycle.. i actually wan 2 seater de.. so i can rest also.. but none wanna go with me.. den rent one person one.. ok.. den started cycling all the way to the park.. and i started to play the swing with dawn and took pics.. den mart called dawn me and haixin to go and find joan xueli and wanqing.. den we cycle there.. we took quite a long time to find them.. cos we were cycling in circles.. haha.. ok.. den found them.. and we cycle back to the park.. den cant find the others.. cos they cycled back to the chalet.. fine.. den we go and play the round round thing.. so fun.. den got took pics of me alone.. by dawn.. ok.. den some of them sat there ferr awhile and came down.. left me.. den they dun wanna stop.. den i was playing round and round alone.. and also tok to them.. den suddenly.. dunno how.. i stopped on the top!! haha.. den i was screaming.. and shaking and finally got down and they were lauhing at me!!! bleah.. den we started cycling slowly back to the rental place.. on the way.. we bought drinks also.. den cycled back.. cos joan they all rent the bicycle l8r.. so one of them took joan's bicycle.. and we went back to chalet.. cos is afternoon.. and everyone was hungry.. so we heated up something and eat.. while waiting.. we played poker card.. den they started eating and is in a mess.. so i helped them take out the bone b4 they eat.. and so.. i did it for all the stingrays.. and i was luk.. working all the way.. haha.. and they sae i am luk a mother.. haha!!! i am not that old ok!! i can be the elder sis.. not a mother!!! den last one.. i was taking out the bone and they started feeding me.. haha.. ok.. quite nice.. is jus that i think the chilli is weird.. so i ate quite little.. nev mind.. i also not tat hungry..den i helped yiting they all a little for the water bomb.. so fun.. ok.. ele and yipping bought some food fer us.. and we started eating.. den we brought the water bomb to the field outside.. den we started playing.. at first i was quite dry.. and everyone was attacking mart.. den suddenly they all attack me.. haha.. a lot is dawn and mart... so mean.. den got really wet.. fine.. den pick up litter and went to the beach.. went down to the sea and play.. den we started pulling kel down the sea.. haha.. den in the end he kanna.. haha.. den is mart.. oh no.. we didnt tell mart b4 hand and he had his fone and wallet in his pocket.. den the fone spoilt.. and he very upset.. cos his data all gone.. so sorry.. but we still continue to play.. haha.. and i was pushed down on water for 3 times.. haha.. den i keep splash water on others.. den i kicked mart down 3 times.. but only 1 time he fell into the water.. not fair.. i was pushed and fell into the water 3 times and he only 1 time.. so not fair.. fine.. den we went back to take shower.. den i rushed to the pool toilet.. den june they all there.. so mus wait..den finally my turn... wow.. my shirt all sand lah.. but nev mind lah.. it's fun.. ok.. den shower le.. go back to chalet.. den watch TOFC.. ok.. then shimin they all went to eat dinner first...den we go there later.. was walking.. all very tired.. so walk slowly... den reach le.. shimin they all going off.. ok.. den they go buy food.. i no appetite.. cos my stomach feel weird.. so eat red ruby.. the dessert.. ok.. den waited ferr ws actually.. but she very slow..
den we went back to watch goong while others stay there to listen to songs zl they all "ordered".. ok.. den reach chalet.. for a while den they came back.. watch till 730.. den too tired and i slept... den they took photo without my permission.. fine.. anything.. den accidentally took me witht he others.. den my sleeping position is so ugly lah.. and somemore i sleep at first floor where everyone can see. ah.. so embarrassing.. den joan wanted to wake me up.. den she sae i sleep luk pig.. didnt even respond her.. luk dead luk that.. ok.. den she ran up to wake martin.. and joan say also took a long time to wake him up.. ok.. at least i woke up a bit earlier than him.. 815pm.. den i thot is morning and i wanna brush teeth.. haha.. so retarded.. den joan sae wanna go home le.. den i noe is at nite.. haha.. den i so jing zhang thot is very late le.. so rush here and there.. in the end still quite early.. den went to take shuttlebus.. but is at every hour.. and we miss the 8 o clock one.. haiz.. den joan sae me pig.. sleep until 8plus.. ya.. is my fault and mart fault too.. ok.. den no choice took bus home.. den walk with ele.. and tok to her =) .. den the bus here.. and the 3 of us.. still take our time to walk.. den the bus stop at traffic light den we started running and sae bb to them.. den we 3 tok.. and joan dun allow us to sleep lah.. ok.. den we tok this and that.. dunno wat exactly we tok.. cos still a bit sleepy.. but i rmb most is joan call us not to sleep and what class we go and sit with hu... ok.. den joan drop at raffles place and left we 2.. see lah joan.. tok to us until we cannot sleep le.. haiz.. den tok abt the class and den ask mart to buy things for us whe he is at vietnam... ok.. den reach clementi.. i drop off.. den take bus 184 and go home.. the bus damn slow lah.. actually can reach home 15 min earlier one lor.. luk small tortise luk that.. den reach home at 1005.. den my father sae play until crazy liao isit?? so late den go home.. den my mum sae... play until sleep.. not crazy.. haha.. true.. if add the time we overslept and the time the bus go faster.. i can get home at 930... haha.. dun care le.. den unpack my stuff.. took a shower.. sms a little and den sleep..
wahaha.. woke up at 11am!! so late.. lucky band today si afternoon.. if not sure very late one.. ok... den sms ferr a while.. den go wash up.. den i didnt noe my grandma came to my hse.. so sudden.. ok.. den i eat my breakfast/lunch.. a homemade burger..den prepared myself to go to band.. tok on the phone ferr a while with joan.. den went to skool.. saw peilin and madeline.. but i dun care them.. cos they walk very fast one.. so i walked alone slowly.. take my time.. XD.. ok.. den reach skool.. band room not pen.. and the skool is noisy.. cos got practical exam.. den bandroom finallY opened.. den luk normal band days.. jus that mr chew is FEELING GOOD TODAY =) .. den band end me peilin and maddie go buy something to eat.. den we go home.. had shower and very little dinner.. and start usint he com till now.. the next day!! 1 NOV!!
now still chatting on msn... later have band.. cant be late!!! haha... see everyone l8r...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
11:53 AM

wahaha.. finally updating my blog..

ytd went to skool early in the morning and rush my nyaa.. but in the end.. i didnt hand in.. haha.. b4 assembly.. we were staying in the class as usual.. den ws and ty were sort of "fighting".. and den ws was "flipped" by ty and she fell right on the floor.. OMG!!! den she was knocked on the head.. so scary.. den went down to hall for assembly... and we are standing at the back.. cos there will be a gce o level talk for the sec 4.. den the head prefect election.. hmm.. i dun even noe hu i voted!! haha.. and also the sec 1 to 3 need to stay in the hall to listen to some crap.. blah blah blah.. den we need to go to band room for our cip discussion.. and we will be going to princess elizabeth pri for music xchange!!! yeah!! ok.. den ms seah came.. and the muslim went off.. den.. ms seah is luk scolding us... scold until we so.. haiz.. dun talk abt it.. ya.. it's true.. the majors are very stressed.. and we should help them.. okok.. den we go back to class.. den got the biz world thing.. dun even really care about that.. den we had to design a product to sell.. ok.. den after everything.. we rushed to causeway point for our movie.. den reached there at abt 2.. when the show started.. den everyone is luk rushing to buy popcorns and drinks.. when going in.. martin was luk carrying 2 cup of drink and 1 popcorn.. wah.. can he finish it? haha.. den we went in and watch.. nice.. den dunno wat happen.. zl they all dun have a place to sit.. haha.. den finally solved.. after the movie.. we stayed back to see the credits and the second part preview.. wow... is luk.. so interesting.. den we went off..den the gals took neos.. and we wanted the guys to take together.. cos the machine can take quite many ppl.. but they dun wan.. fine nev mind..den after that.. some ppl wanna eat some dun.. so those dun wanna eat go library.. so me, dawn,ws mart and zl went to library and talk softly.. den the others came.. and kelvin is taking a cup of drink.. so obvious lor.. den the manager wan hm to throw away but he stuff it inside his bag.. butstill she wan him to throw.. ok.. den after that we went home.. thay took mrt and i took bus.. back to home.. den my sis surf the net and told me that japan is gonna show the secong part of death note this december!! OMG.. singapore is so slow!! watever...

Thursday, October 19, 2006
1:02 PM


went to skool early in the morning..i am luk.. SO TIRED.. HOW AM I GONNA SURVIVE FOR THE WHOLE CAMP?! lolz.. den we took the shuttle bus to the campsite.. and we were settled down in grps..they took a long time before it finally started.. we were dispersed into our grps and den put our stuff into our dorm.. den we came down to do our grp flag and write down goals.. quite nice... den grp 15, 16 and 17 combined and we became the SOLID PUZZLE X. powerful name isit it?den after them whole thing.. we had our outdoor cooking.. wow.. quite nicely done for my grp.. 3 CHEERS!! but we dunno them results.. den we had our proper lunch.. we were scolded for eing too noisy.. but shouldn't eating the most relaxed things to do? den they are screaming luk mad.. OMG..LOL.. den we had our challenge ropes course.. forgot wat we do.. den we had our general station and problem solving.. quite fun.. after that we had our dinner and area cleaning.. wash our cultery.. den we went to have night thrust walk.. it was luk.. so dark.. and i cant see a single thing.. den we walk and walk to a place with a canal.. den maria, naomi, yuxin and me are playing with some games.. haha.. so fun.. den we walk back to our campsite.. and we are ready for our shower.. i am luk so FREAKING STICKY AND DIRTY. yucks.. den we had our shower.. wow.. this is luk.. feeling so great.. den we had our debrief and our supper before we went to sleep.. the place we sleep is luk so hard.. dunno how am i gonna sleep.. put our sleeping bags and lied down..den LIGHTS OUT! the place is so stuffy and noixy.. aeroplanes is flying past so frequently.. how i wish i can jus shoot the plane down..argh.. den at about 1 plus.. i was too tired and i fell asleep..

woke up at 4 plus.. and i found out.. PEILIN DIDNT EVEN SLEEP! and i was luk beside her.. sleeping luk a pig.. haha..den we went to wash up.. and many are still sleeping... den change into shorts and darked coloured shirt for our kayaking and rafting after breakfast..had our breakfast.. beehoon and sausage.. is luk.. not nice AT ALL. den force myself to have some.. den we hAd our kayaking.. we were grped according to swimmer and non- swimmer.. guy and gurl.. then i was so unlucky.. that i was grped with TING YONG.. den i was complaining.. but he sae i am lucky.. cos he noe how to kayak.. ok fine.. den we had our theory lesson.. den we wore the PFD.. den the instructors checked before we need to take our paddles and bring our kayak down to the shore.. beforw kayaking.. we had our water confidence test..to check out PFD and to see how we react to water.. i guess... den we went to kayak.. i was hit ont the head by ty's paddle.. dunno how he do lor.. den we learn to raft up.. everyone is luk having competiton lor.. so funny.. and i was hit on the head AGAIN. den another raft up, we began to sing our cheer..ok.. den go back to shore.. and i was complainig.. u noe why?? I WAS HIT ON THE HEAD 4 TIMES BY TING YONG. COMPLAIN TO WANXIN AND WANQING.. den saw martin den complain to him.. haiya.. i jus complain to anyone that i saw..argh.. den we get back up there to learn knots and lashing.. in order to do our raft.. ya.. and we did our raft and we had to bring it down to shore.. den we put out to the sea.. we were sitting on it and it is luk.. floating on the front.. sinking on the back! the scene is so funny.. haha..den we get back up there.. and we untie the raft.. after that we settled down.. den dunno when we still have one raft to untie.. den some ppl helped out.. den i noe is grp 15 one..i guess.. den is luk we are waiting and waiting.. den we kanna scolding for not taking the initiative.. den everyone started to help.. den we settled down and got scolding again.. scold us for our sloppiness and not takinginiiative.. some ppl dun feel well wat.. of course no energy lah.. haiz..den we were punished.. haiz.. dun talk about it.. den we only had 10 min to wash up.. NO SHOWERING!!! omg.. den everyone is luk rushing here and there.. and finally we are done! we had our reflection time b4 our lunch... had our lunch and we had the camp craft.. setting the tent! we listen to the instructor's instruction b4 setting up the tents.. but the tents is luk.. going to collapsed! haha.. ok den we set our tents.. and dunno why my socks is gone.. haha.. den one of my grp fren help me took back.. thanks.. den we undo our tents to keep.. and we went for abseiling.. i rmb i went for abseiling during my p3 camp.. wow.. that was so long ago.. den it was quite easy.. and i did it quite fast.. but b4 that.. our whole grp was scolded by mr sashi for not creating our grp cheers.. we are not the only grp ok.. and we are the only one getting scolded.. wat is this.. den we started to do our cheers and dunno why.. our grp became more enthu.. maybe cos of the scolding which ENLIGHTENED us.. haha.. ok.. den we had our cheers and we sang out LOUD. REAL LOUD! UNTIL EVERYONE AROUND US CAN HEAR! this is so fun... and den we had our rock climbing.. i managed to climb to the top.. yeah.. ok.. den we had ourorienteering skills.. how to look at a compass.. den halfway... all the teacher look so nervous and worried.. den the instructors calle dus to pack up!! WAT IS THIS!! den everyone quickly packed up.. some were happy some were sad!! I MISS THE CAMPFIRE!! den ms ho explained to us sae is cos of th stupid haze that ms tay wan us to go back home.. haiz.. den we had our area cleaning and our dinner before we go off.. we also had to gif out the valuables to the student and the prizes to the winners for designing the shirt.. MADELINE!!! WOAH!!!!!!!!!! den the instructors had prepared songs for us.. wow so nice and i am really touched! den after that we aboard the bus and went back to skool.. on the bus.. everyone started to take out their fones to call their parents.. me too.. den we had lots of fun in the bus... reached the school and i waited for my parents.. den they finally came.. reached home at 9 plus.. and i quickly rush to the bathroom to had my shower!! wow.. so good lor.. haha.. den unpack my stuff before going to bed.. i was sleeping the whole without waking up.. for 10 hrs... den woke up to prepare to go to school to check chi paper.. yeah.. got a2.. den went home... continue sleeping.. den to day.. went to school to hand int he consent form.. went to lo one.. cos madeline wanna t breakfast.. and now.. i am blogging.. finally...


Thursday, October 12, 2006
8:14 AM

ops! sorry.. updating now!


Last paper is the freakig maths paper 2.. mr lim set one.. expected many algerbra.. but so little.. den i didnt even study.. and lots of qns i dunno how to do.. CAN ANYONE HELP ME! Forget it.. exams are over.. after our paper.. we go to com lab to do our option form for the course next yrs.. wow.. sho many ppl go bio.. i also..haha.. taking bio-geog.. really hope i can get in to the course.. after that we go back to class.. den the class tee is here... SOO NICE!! Of course mah.. 2e5 leh.. haha.. okok.. we took our shirts and we went down to the hall to go through our english exam paper.. wow.. finally.. i scored better... haha...den we got hrough lit.. OMG.. is so boring man.. haiz.. me joan and wee suan is discussing about.. where to buy cheap clothes?? haha.. den the art paper is back.. i do until so nice.. and i only get 68?!! i am the only one doing pencil shading and i only got 68?! that freaking cher who marks the paper.. SA1 also.. i do until so nice only get 59.. my daily work i anyhow do also can get 90 or 80 or70 marks lor...dun talk about it.. makes me "boil"!!!
den after that the sports leader need to go and help the teacher to carry things into the pe staff room... den we have to wait.. about 15 to 20 min.. ok.. sfter that went to JE to eat pizzahut.. dunno why choose JE.. haha.. then take neos..ok.. quite nice.. was like strolling here and there...
den after that we went to popular as wee suan wanna buy sumthing.. vanguard sheets..ok.. stay ther for half an hour.. haha.. weird.. When we wanna go home.. joan saw a shop selling very chap clothes..$3 to $5 only.. ya.. actually quite cheap.. den joan pull all of us in..not bad.. and i saw a pants quite nice.. but i dunno the price.. den they sae tomorrow wanna buy before they go IMM..haha.. ok.. haiz.. den go to mrt station.. i sit with wee suan and we talk about whether wanna do or buy sumthing for the class end of the year... ok.. den went home.. exams are over and i cant use the com until now.. okok.. gotta go..

~ should i or should i not?~

Thursday, October 05, 2006
1:51 PM

hmmm.. long time no blog.. haha..

it's jus stress..
u can feel it..
studying from day to nite...
can u ever imagine that..
life is so miserable...
especially during exam period..

started test on last fri.. with our english paper.. not too bad..
monday is our literature paper.. and i did not study!! OMG!! gonna fail...
tuesday is our art paper... i woke up at 4 in order to finish my art!! big sacrifices
wednesday.. our chinese paper one... hmm.. dun really noe wat to write.. but i wrote a news report reflection..
thursday.. which is today.. is our geog paper.. i had planned to wake up at 4 to read my geog.. which i did not really study..in the end.. I WOKE UP AT 5.30!!! omg.. i'm dead.. cos i have no time to study at all.. den after that went tuh skool... had our exams... oh man.. i'm dead meat.. it's so tough!!! i am gonna die luk this..!!!!
den come back to watch the last episode of kiss of heaven last episode on jet tv... wow.. so touching!!! den nth to do.. dun feel luk revising fer tmr.. so i came here and started blogging... later going to my ex'tuition centre.. to see my teacher and ask my frens botu their exam.. see if there's any tips.. haha..ppl.. though it's a bit late.. but must JIAYOU!! if u do badly for the past few papers.. no worry.. buck up now!!! ur last chance!!!okok.. shall stop here.. jiayou...

english paper 1 and2 DONE!
literature paper 1 DONE!
art DONE!
chinese paper 1 DONE!
geography paper DONE!
maths paper 2
science paper
chinese paper 2
maths paper 2